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Build a tiny business. Work from anywhere.

Online camp where you get to launch
your own tiny business, while following
the same method we use to launch all our projects.


Take advantage of Growrs, Sende's program that helps you launch your business from scratch.


Starting your own business is like a game. Looks hard while you learn the “rules”, but then you start to enjoy it and create your own rules. 


A tiny business is a project that pays salary for your lifestyle. To be honest, we don’t like the word “lifestyle”, but it’s true that you have to pay your own expenses for the life you want.  We teach your how to build your own tiny business until your reach your ideal salary. 

Some of our friends and clients live well with 550€ while others with 1200€ or 3240€ per month. 


No investement needed. Real examples from this course spent only 15€ to launch their idea. 

 We call it tiny because it’s easily managable by one person or a small team.

🌎  When you build your own tiny business, you will be able to work from home, from a cafe or while traveling the world (like hundreds of our guests who are coming to Sende). 

🎥 This camp is also for you, if you want to get more work in your town as a photographer, as an artisan or a lawyer – this method teaches innovative marketing for 2022. 

Actually, we don’t teach you about new (must do trends), but we teach you how to observe trends and do evergreen marketing with super honest communication. 

📝 You can take this course anytime and anywhere. Freshly recorded lessons that you can take whenever you have time. The best way to learn is to open a Google document (type: or Word and take notes that will stay with you forever. 

Growrs is an online camp for future makers and entrepreneurs that teaches the exact process we use to build and launch (international) tiny businesses and side projects. And these projects are the ones that give us complete liberty to move around and work remotely. 

This is what you get

After this camp you will:

1. Have your tiny business launched (ready and online or offline). No need to have any previous knowledge. 

2. You will know how to repeat this process again and again 

3. You will become the maker, a person who knows how to launch a product for the right people (fast)


These people live from their projects

Examples from Sende:

This course is built in our space called Sende, which is one of the first rural coworking and coliving spaces in the world. Here are the examples of businesses of people who recently stayed in Sende. They all travel the world while doing this: 


💼 Sienna helps women of color to move from the US to EU
👨‍💻 Roy fixes databases in big companies
💃 María sells colorful dresses with pockets for travelers
👨🏻‍🏫Javi delivers talks
🗺️ David sells old maps
🥜 Ben produces and sells bambu bags to make your own nut milk
🌸 Edo F. built the web that helps people to be kind
🔖 Hannah does marketing online for beverage companies from UK
🌿 Valery sells bamboo kit for eating
📒 Beth is an accountant (one client in Australia)


I can update this list every week with different names so you can learn about projects from Liz, Irene, Diana, Vero, Mark, Aleksandra, Jovana, Mohammad, Raul, Julia, Michael…


Edo Sadikovic

This online camp is delivered by Edo, a social entrepreneur and educator. Edo is founder of Sende, moops, Cohubiting, Project crafters, Jump. 

He has traveled to 45+ countries. Many of his travels were in the role of an educator on social entrepreneurship and conflict transformation. 

Half of the year Edo lives and works in Senderiz, a tiny village in Galicia, Spain.  And the rest of the time he travels the world (while running his small projects online). 

At the moment, Edo is working on Sende 2 that will soon open in Portugal. Right now Edo is building Village nomads (small online biz) while using the exact same method from this course. 


 Edo’s small businesses were published in the press all over the world.
In this course Edo will also teach his method to get published in the press with only 3 emails. 

Actionable and concrete staff

In this camp you will learn:


Used by hundreds of makers. This method is all about finding a niche, a tiny market (a group of people who will buy your product or service). Tiny market is usually just enough to run your small business.

At the end of this module, you will be able to find ideal “1% crowd” for your tiny business.


This product is something that “1% crowd” (your market) needs. It can be physical (just an example: a toy for kids who want to learn Spanish) or digital (online course for innovative flower sellers) or a service (photoshop editing for wedding photographers who have too much work). We will teach you how to think on very creative products.   

Usually people think: “If I just have an idea, I would start my own biz”. I will show you 6 proven ways to find that one idea.

Here is just one example I taught to one friend, who is a photographer (click on each step to read):


I will teach you another set of 5 methods that you could use to find a good idea. We will also go deep in this Udemy idea.

You will be able to find an idea that makes you very comfortable to work on.

After this lesson you will be able to generate super business ideas. I will also give you ones that are already working, so you can just take them and launch them (although it’s much better if you work on something you care about).


Landing page is a web that presents your product to your market. This web will be like a shop in the city center, where anyone can enter, look and buy. It will be open for 24 hours, 7 days a week. Just it’s online.

I will even give you my templates, so you can just change photos and texts. 

e.g. After this course it will be very easy to build the exact web page like this one. 


You will learn how to perform a four step process to launch your first idea in 6 hours (a method named by our Cohubiting project and it can be implemented in almost any field).

When you learn about this method you will be able to execute the same method that could bring you clients the very same day. I use Cohubiting for quick testing.

6 modules that are marked with a star ⭐ are just enough to have your small business launched. However, if you go through all other steps, you will run your business much easier in the long run. 



This module is teaching you how to show your product to the market. If your market doesn’t know you exist, then you don’t have clients.

This is my favorite part (to teach and to practice in real life).

You will learn some of my best marketing techniques that work well in 2022. For example, I will show you the exact campaign we used in order to make Sende well known, as well as Cohubiting and llamacabras.

And this one method can be applied right after this lesson on your project.

You will look at marketing with another pair of eyes. I was even teaching same methods to other marketing agencies from Galicia. 

Remember, marketing is about knowing people, not just the tools. 

You will get templates, ideas and documents ready to be implemented.  You will see how I build my own campaigns

Marketing is so broad and big.

But you can be very, very good in your own field, because you will know how your buyers think and how they feel. 


e.g. In Sende, we almost don’t do marketing anymore (except Instagram stories, for fun). Enter our facebook and you will see only one or 2 posts per month. However, our space is booked months ahead.  



I will also teach you about my experimental tactic called Google Street View where we get to virtually walk on the streets of Reykjavik or Cuenca (or any other city) and start speaking online with the owner of a small shop that needs your product. Don’t worry, all of the methods you learn here are ethical and they don’t harm anyone.  



After this you will learn about the Kompare method (yes with a K) that I use in copywriting (copy is a text that sells you a product). We will use the combination of Kompare and Google Street View as an example in the course. 


that I use every time, when building a new project. Each rule came from one of my favorite web designers and professionals who stayed in Sende or I have met online. All of these rules are used to design even the most modern websites (from AiRBnB’s to Tesla’s site). 


One of the most important parts of marketing is copywriting and content writing. I am going to teach the exact techniques that I use to write any text. I cannot stress enough how important it is to know how to write. If you start using these rules, you will be better than the most people in your field.


You will learn about (old) and new free tools that I use to build any of my projects you saw in the last 8 years.

We are lucky to live in 2022 where easy to use tools help us build anything. I am quite minimalistic with tool choice and you will see live how I use all of them. All our tools are no-code.


I love analyzing how people in Sende work. In this course I will present 2 methods that help me finish my projects. Even engineers from Google and Boeing who stayed in Sende are still using these methods.

Being an entrepreneur who runs a tiny business is all about productivity and priority (only the important should be done and in a limited time). This productivity method is completely opposite to working so much until you burnout. It’s possible to work well and feel good about it. 


This is a common pain among entrepreneurs. I will teach you how to launch your project if you are shy to publish something publicly. This is a very common block among the makers. It’s possible to skip it.

Our course comes with money back guarantee

 Because the internet is full of low quality information. We want to deliver the best possible course that explains in detail how to build a tiny lifestyle business. As we want to show you that anyone can do it, we also want to offer you a free way out. You can try it and cancel it if it’s not for you. 



How will this learning process happen:

We use an online platform to deliver all of the videos and materials. And you will receive a new lesson bit by bit with a given time to practice (work on it for real). There is a Slack group (an online chat) where you will be able to ask me anything in English, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese or Serbian. I will answer 2 times per week. 

Some lessons will be video recorded, others will just be in a written form. Some of the lessons will also be screen recorded in real time, so you can see how I work live.  I will demonstrate the site building in WordPress, a platform to build sites (like this one). By the way, it takes me only 23 minutes to set-up whole WordPress (before adding the content) and you will learn how. Usually this part sounds complicated but it’s not. 



This is not for you:

– If you don’t want to focus to work on your own project. We will show you everything you need to know and how it can be done. However, it’s up to you to do the actual work.  

– If you want to build a startup and you want to learn how to find investors 



This online camp is for:

– You, if you would like to start your own business, but you don’t know where to start or what to start. 

– You, if you are thinking of changing your current job. 

– Or if you want to move and travel abroad (In Slack we will share stories and experiences of people from all over the world who moved abroad thanks to their personal businesses). 

– If you want to build a side project and you don’t know how. 

Side project is something that we do for fun, and often this is something we are known about. Often your side project is converted into a full time job. 

– If you are an engineer and you know how to build apps but you don’t know how to market your product and stay focused in order to launch it.



Note from Edo

This is not a “get-rich” course. This is “get-to-work” course. Just instead of doing a job you don’t like, I teach how to make ideal salary while living the life your prefer. All of this while working on something you care about.



There are not so many coworking and coliving spaces in the world. And these are the only places where digital nomads (people who travel the world while working) and people who run tiny businesses gather in a group.

That’s why I am so lucky to spend the last five years among thousands of them who are actually living and traveling thanks to their small projects. 


I saw people who were stuck in their towns, not knowing what to do or others who quit their normal job and just escaped to live differently. 


I have interviewed many, experimented and built my own projects in order to learn the rules. 


For me, making a new business is like a game and the final goal is not the money. It feels more like replacing Super Mario game with a new challenge. 


This is a course for makers. I am one of them and you will be as well. Anyone who wants to convert their skills (or learn a new one) into a tiny business can become one. 


As you saw examples (from the list above with the names) all businesses are different. 




There is no single path to follow in order to build your own project but there is a set of common rules to follow and tasks to complete in order to build your dream business.



I met so many people who are living in a loop, saying  “when I gain more experience I will build my own business”.  And this is not a good way of thinking.

The best learning process happens when we launch the project and we measure the reaction. In this course you will see what exactly I mean by this.


I wish I had this course 10 years ago where everything I needed was explained in one place. 


I had to learn all of this through experiments, when I made 49 errors before I could get one thing right. It took me more than 2 years to put all these “right” things together in a simple way – now you can just take this one course and create that project that you will be proud of.


I am not just passionate about building my own business.  I am even more passionate about teaching. I have traveled the world while teaching and learning to teach. Sometimes I spent weeks trying to find 4 good examples that I could use, in order to explain one difficult topic in an easy way.

I have spent around 9000€ on online courses while trying to get all of this information. This is one of the few courses in the whole web that teaches the entire “build your own business from scratch” in one course.

It’s very difficult to surprise me with good and practical information.

That’s why, whenever I would see something super actionable, I would write it down so I can teach it in this course. 


At the same time there is so much information on the internet that it’s impossible to focus on one thing. 


There are thousands of courses that are teaching you how to build a web. 


However, it has never been so easy to build something meaningful and small that can pay your ideal lifestyle.

This is possible thanks to the internet, easy to use tools and a chance to take a class on your phone while sitting in your garden. 


Someone from a far away village in Moldova can learn and build the same thing as someone in San Francisco, and that is the beautiful thing in 2020.  


That’s why I don’t like startups and the idea of running your business for your investors, instead of running it for yourself.
I love tiny businesses that I can control and make fast decisions whenever I want. 


To build a tiny business we just need to put 6 things together and work on that. And this is what I teach here. I basically put these 6 pieces together, I publish it online and that is it. And it works for me and for the people to whom I teach all over the world. 


This is not a “get rich” course where you will learn how to make millions fast. No one can teach you this. 


Although, we can see hundreds of these courses online that come with the same promise. 


This movement of the makers who build small projects or offer their services is quite new. 


Terminology for what I teach here is called: Bootstrapping  (in case you want to google it). It is basically starting own small project without investment, while using your own skills. And I can tell you, it is great fun. 



In the last 9 years we hosted almost 4000 people from 50+ countries in Sende.


Majority of our guests are digital nomads (people who work while traveling the world). 


Most of them live off their tiny businesses, while others work online for different companies (even the big ones such as Google, Netflix, Disney, Boeing, Auttomatic which builds WordPress, Playground etc). 


This means that we had time to enjoy long dinners together, help hundreds of new digital nomads build their own projects but also sit with some of the best professionals in industry and learn from them.

For example, Brian from Playground (one of the biggest digital agencies in Spain and the world) explained to us 4 tiny tricks that he uses in each online publication. You will hear bunch of tiny mind-blowing tricks in this course. 

Now we decided to tell everything we know and show you each of the steps that work for us. 


We have never had so many tools and possibilities as we do today, helping us build our own online and offline projects.  


Doesn’t matter if you are coming from a place run by a dictator or if you live in a more economicaly developed country such as Luxembourg – what we teach here works for everyone. 


Play Video

This morning I asked Sienna to explain us her small business. 

What Nune thinks about digital nomads who are running small projects 

and jump in real action

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